Masquerade Masks - Which Is The Best One For You?

Masquerade Masks – Which Is The Best One For You?

Although masquerade masks are most popular on Halloween they are not reserved for that event solely. The mask can be worn at various social gatherings including weddings and New Years Eve celebrations. It is particularly popular among the youth as the night will stand out in their memory as one of uniqueness. They are able to dress in extraordinary outfits and gather with friends in elaborate surroundings – a far cry from the ordinary night out.

The majority of people enjoy getting all dressed up for a party, particular in fancy dress – this is possibly why the Halloween celebrations are so popular. When adorning the masquerade outfit it is important to remember that a well chosen masquerade mask will help you stand out in the crowd. As an accessory the mask can either make or break your dress or tuxedo, and both the choice of mask and elaborateness of the outfit are significant factors to fashion success.

Most of the time a hand-made mask would be an ideal option, however many do not have the creativity or time to create or produce original pieces. In these cases it would be better to purchase your masquerade mask. Purchases can be made either online or via local costume stores. Both the physical and online stores stock a variety of mask designs in different colours with different forms of decorations including feathers, sequins, and other trimmings. The most common masquerade mask designs one may find for purchase are the half mask and the mask on a stick.

The half mask style is a mask which covers the upper part of the face from the hair line to the cheeks and nose. There are holes for the eyes and a ridge or cutting for the nose. This mask is held against the wearer’s face by either string fastened at the back of the head, or via a stick attached to the side of the mask. The stick is hand held and often colour coordinated.

Another popular, but far more impractical is the full-face mask. This mask is representative of the traditional Venetian masquerade mask designs and covers the entire face. It too is attached via string or held against the face with a colour coordinated stick.

The choice of the masquerade mask is entirely dependent on one’s personal taste, but you should also consider the colours of your outfit and the type of event one will be attending. A bold Venetian mask with black and red feathers would not be appropriate for a bride on her wedding day.

Masquerade masks may be available in various styles, but regardless of the form the issue of quality must be addressed. Plastic masks are the most inexpensive, but they are not of acceptable make. If one wishes to create a favourable appearance and be noticed for the right reasons it is best to choose a mask with appropriate decorations and of high quality – regardless of the expense.

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